AQJ 136: Finding Connection & Fulfilment in Your Work, with Helen Marshall of Primal Alternative

Many of us go through a period in our lives where we begin to question the work we do and our career goals and decide we want to find work that is more fulfilling, that gives us purpose, and that brings connection with like-minded people. Maybe you have been out of the workforce for a… Continue reading AQJ 136: Finding Connection & Fulfilment in Your Work, with Helen Marshall of Primal Alternative

UC 288: A League of Extraordinary Mothers

Cyndi was recently invited to speak for an online summit; A League of Extraordinary Mothers – HOW TO LAY A STRONG FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS IN YOUR TEENAGE DAUGHTER. One of her graduates – Edwina Murphy-Droomer from the Functional Nutrition Academy was the host of the summit.  So this interview is a little different. … Continue reading UC 288: A League of Extraordinary Mothers

MUM 039: Maha Al Musa : Honouring Mothers In Birth

This is a topic dear to my heart. Hnourign the mother’s wisdom and the mother herself in birth. Our guest this week , as you will hear is more than qualified to speak about this topic. Enjoy the episode!! X Kaz Maha Al Musa’s Bio Maha Al Musa is a leading light in the birth… Continue reading MUM 039: Maha Al Musa : Honouring Mothers In Birth

AQJ 56: Preparing for the Birth of a Healthy Baby – Mary Kelly

This is a beautiful, encouraging and informative podcast that will be a big help to women who are looking for ways to optimise their own health, and the health of their baby – whether baby is just a distant hope not yet realised, or already part of the family. Mary talks to us about her… Continue reading AQJ 56: Preparing for the Birth of a Healthy Baby – Mary Kelly