WWR 224: Pros & Cons of Oral Contraceptives

On this episode of Wellness Women Radio, Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh go over some absolute fundamentals about your contraceptive choices that all women need to know! – this is all of the essentials that should absolutely form part of school education! Tune in to learn more about the pros & cons of taking oral… Continue reading WWR 224: Pros & Cons of Oral Contraceptives

WWR 223: We had COVID – This is what we did

In an absolute coincidence Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh both had COVID, at the same time! These are the exact things that Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh did to prevent long COVID and to ensure they had a very speedy recovery. Tune in to this latest episode of Wellness Women Radio to hear all about… Continue reading WWR 223: We had COVID – This is what we did

WWR 222: Women are not small men with Dr Stacy Sims

Dr Stacy Sims is an international exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist who is revolutionising nutrition and performance for women. You may have seen her on her famous “Women Are Not Small Men” TEDx talk as she challenges the existing dogma for women in exercise, nutrition, and health. Dr Stacy has just released her second book ‘Next Level,… Continue reading WWR 222: Women are not small men with Dr Stacy Sims

WWR 221: Understanding Hot Flushes

Hot flushes, or hot flashes, are one of the most debilitating symptoms that impact women during hormonal transitions but these don’t just occur in menopause. On this episode of Wellness Women Radio Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh dive into the mechanisms that cause hot flushes, the risk factors that will dramatically increase them and all… Continue reading WWR 221: Understanding Hot Flushes

WWR 220: Calcium Supplementation – Do you need it?

Supplementation of certain nutrients can be essential if we can’t get them from our foods anymore but should calcium be part of that? As women age, as our hormones change, our bone mineral density naturally declines and we’re at more risk of osteoporosis but does this mean we need to take additional calcium? Are there… Continue reading WWR 220: Calcium Supplementation – Do you need it?

WWR 219: Hormones that interfere with weight loss

Weight loss is different for women! Do you know which hormones impact your metabolic set point and your ability to lose or gain weight? Tune into this episode to find out which hormones have the greatest impact on your metabolism, hunger, cravings and what you can do to balance them! Spoiler alert it’s all fixable!… Continue reading WWR 219: Hormones that interfere with weight loss

WWR 218: Does dieting ruin your metabolism – Understanding adaptive thermogenesis

Have you started losing weight, you’ve been going along really well, you’re focused and making progress and then all of sudden you plateau and the weight starts to  climb again? The same tools that helped before are no longer affective and you wonder if you’ve just ruined your metabolism? You’re not alone! So many women… Continue reading WWR 218: Does dieting ruin your metabolism – Understanding adaptive thermogenesis

WWR 217: Menstrual Flu

Have you heard of the period flu or menstrual flu? Did you know that lots of health conditions are exacerbated by the menstrual cycle? Menstrual flu can be described as complex interactions between the immune & endocrine systems, that triggers an onset/exacerbation of common medical conditions and common changes in the immune system. These changes… Continue reading WWR 217: Menstrual Flu

WWR 214: Birth Preparation and Dr Ashleigh’s Birth Story

This is the most incredible story of how the beautiful baby Ella Skye entered the world! Wellness Women Tribe we have a very special podcast for you that you don’t want to miss. Dr Ashleigh shares her top tips for preparing for birth but also walks us through the birth of her daughter, which is… Continue reading WWR 214: Birth Preparation and Dr Ashleigh’s Birth Story

WWR 213: Low Tox Food with Alexx Stuart

Alexx Stuart, best-selling author of Low Tox Life, has just launched her latest book Low Tox Food! This is a brilliant guide about how to shop, cook, swap, save and eat for a happy planet! Dr Andrea and Dr Ashleigh explore the low tox revolution that Alexx has created and how you can easily do… Continue reading WWR 213: Low Tox Food with Alexx Stuart