WWR 243: Imposter Sydrome

Do you often question your own expertise, capabilities and knowledge? Do you often think: Why me? What am I doing here? I don’t belong here? I’m not good enough for this? There’s a chance you may be suffering from Imposter Syndrome! The unfounded feelings of self-doubt and incompetence that persist despite your education, expertise, experience… Continue reading WWR 243: Imposter Sydrome

WWR 217: Menstrual Flu

Have you heard of the period flu or menstrual flu? Did you know that lots of health conditions are exacerbated by the menstrual cycle? Menstrual flu can be described as complex interactions between the immune & endocrine systems, that triggers an onset/exacerbation of common medical conditions and common changes in the immune system. These changes… Continue reading WWR 217: Menstrual Flu