100NO 77: The Exceptional Life Blueprint

What does it take to live a truly magnificent life? To be the exception to the rule? Well after 12 years of researching, interviewing, consulting and podcasting on what it takes to live a truly magnificent life Marcus has released a free 4-part training video series called The Exceptional Life Blueprint. In this podcast Damian… Continue reading 100NO 77: The Exceptional Life Blueprint

TWG 79: Health Judgments

Sometimes it can be tough being a health nut. You are different to everyone else, you make different choices and sometimes people will judge you or argue with you because of it. The Wellness Guys talk about some of the common issues they encounter when it comes to health judgement and how they deal with… Continue reading TWG 79: Health Judgments

TWG 61: Taking Self Responsibility

This week The Wellness Guys talk about being responsible for your life. Many people have been conditioned to think that their health is someone else’s responsibility (perhaps their GP or their trainer) or that it is out of their control (due to genetics or just ‘bad luck’). In this episode The Wellness Guys talk about why… Continue reading TWG 61: Taking Self Responsibility

TWG 5: Do we need Vitamins and Minerals supplementation?

Do we need to take supplements? If so which ones should we take and how much? In this episode we discuss the need forvitamins and minerals. We talk about the importance of a healthy diet and what has changed in our lifestyles and farmingpractices that alters our requirements for supplementation. Be sure to tune in… Continue reading TWG 5: Do we need Vitamins and Minerals supplementation?