NTM 276: Birthing Julie’s book

In this episode, Julie shares the pain and identity shattering that has been birthing her book into the world. It’s a Mt Everest of a climb and we hope it inspires you to do the impossible! Nourishing the Mother http://www.nourishingthemother.com.au Suburban Sandcastles – Bridget http://www.suburbansandcastles.com The Pleasure Nutritionist – Jules http://www.thepleasurenutritionist.com

TPS 81: Leslie Klenke On Her Amazing New Book For Young Women – Paleo Girl

This weeks guest has a great story that she has taken and used to write a book specifically targeted at teen girls BUT If you’re not a teen girl, stay with us because the information she is going to share today applies to all of us. Leslie blasts through common diet nonsense and sets the… Continue reading TPS 81: Leslie Klenke On Her Amazing New Book For Young Women – Paleo Girl

TWG 66: Sweet Poison – Why sugar makes us fat with David Gillespie

This week The Wellness Guys interview the author of Sweet Poison, David Gillespie. David talks about his journey with dieting and how he finally lost and kept off 40kg and why he believes that sugar is a  poison. He talks about the addictive properties of sugar that make it so hard to give up and how to overcome these… Continue reading TWG 66: Sweet Poison – Why sugar makes us fat with David Gillespie

TWG 53 Make Shi(f)t Happen with Dean Dwyer

This week The Wellness Guys interview Dean Dwyer of Make Shift Happen. Dean shares his unique perspective around how to create real change on your wellness journey. The Wellness Guys delve into the mental aspects of wellness with Dean as he explains why exercise and healthy eating alone aren’t enough to create real, lifelong change. If you… Continue reading TWG 53 Make Shi(f)t Happen with Dean Dwyer

TWG 39: Born to Run – Interview with Chris McDougall

This week The Wellness Guys interview Chris McDougall. Author of one of Brett’s favourite books Born To Run Chris talks about a wide range of topics from barefoot running, to ultra marathons, to varying your exercise routine and an unbelievable super tribe from Mexico. Have you ever wondered whether those expensive runners are really worth… Continue reading TWG 39: Born to Run – Interview with Chris McDougall