RBR 06- Shalome Stone – Educate Yourself

Shalome Stone wants to live in a world where women approach their birth with excitement and awe.  A highly medicalised hospital birth and 2 sensational homebirths taught her that a little preparation can make ALL the difference, and that you can feel like a Rockstar when you birth, regardless of how you birth. As the Founder and… Continue reading RBR 06- Shalome Stone – Educate Yourself

TWG 247: The Magnificent and Colourful Dr Deanna Minich – in living colour

Damian’s love, is of food and when he meets a fellow foodie who subscribes to the same philosophy BACKED BY SCIENCE he is nothing short of pumped. In this episode Damian interviews Dr Deanna Minich discussing the nature of food, the effect of colours in food on health and the body and the many things… Continue reading TWG 247: The Magnificent and Colourful Dr Deanna Minich – in living colour

VH28: Vitamin D

In this episode the Vitality Hackers tell you everything you need to know about Vitamin D. What is it? What does it do? Why are we deficient? 0:00 Intro. 8:00 How do we form it? 10:14 How can we supplement it? 12:00 Who’s at risk of deficiency? 15:20 What does it do? 18:30 What helps… Continue reading VH28: Vitamin D

TWG 11: How to get more energy that you can handle

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys talk about Energy. What is energy and how does our body acquire it? What are the key things that most people do wrong when they try and increase their energy? And what are the simple tips people should consider if they want to have more energy and vitality… Continue reading TWG 11: How to get more energy that you can handle

TWG 8: How to lose weight the healthy way

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys share their top 10 tips for healthy weight loss.If you or someone close to you have a desire to shed a few kilos but want to do it in a healthy, sustainable way then this episode is a must. Learn the secrets that The Wellness Guys have shared… Continue reading TWG 8: How to lose weight the healthy way