TWIW 57: Is Sweden the Covid19 answer?

This Week In Wellness Sweden could be the new model that countries around the world seek to model as their Coronavirus infection rates and deaths plummet despite not imposing the strict lock-downs seen in other parts of the world. Sweden has not closed bars, cafes, restaurants, playgrounds or schools and gatherings of up to 50… Continue reading TWIW 57: Is Sweden the Covid19 answer?

TWIW 55: How to track a pandemic

This Week In Wellness whilst the media is reporting the seemingly exponential growth of Coronavirus worldwide some are suggesting that the spread of the disease may be plotting a different path. It is common in the media to show linear graphs of the Coronavirus that show seemingly exponential growth and this growth has been extrapolated… Continue reading TWIW 55: How to track a pandemic

SE 29: Cyberbullying Part 2

As part 2 of a 4 part series on Cyberbullying, our hosts interview the head of Education for Bully Zero, Katie Govic ( In this episode, we focus on the victim in the Cyberbullying equation. How to support someone being bullied, how to recognise if someone is being bullied and how to handle being cyberbullied… Continue reading SE 29: Cyberbullying Part 2