UC 334: Sex and Menopause with Janet McGeever

Janet is the co-author of ‘Tantric Sex and Menopause – Practices for Spiritual and Sexual Renewal’, a practicing psychotherapist since 1999, and TEDx speaker in Noosa, Australia in 2013. She is co-presenter of the life-changing ‘Making Love Retreat’ for couples, as created by her mentor and co-author and originator of the ‘Slow Sex’ movement, Diana… Continue reading UC 334: Sex and Menopause with Janet McGeever

PAP 39: Amanda Howe – Breaking the taboo around periods, hormones and female health

Menses.  Me monthlies. The curse.  Being ‘on’!  All of those negative connotations will be obliterated in today’s episode – in fact, I thought I was quite down with it and rad when it comes to menstruation but seems I am not – which was a nice aha for me! If you are a women you… Continue reading PAP 39: Amanda Howe – Breaking the taboo around periods, hormones and female health

WWR 109: Menopause 101 – Part 2

This is part 2 of the Wisdom of Menopause series from The Wellness Women! Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh jump into even more detail about menopause and how to truly understand the processes that impact hot flashes, insomnia and lots more! Also, did you know that every minute of every day a woman has a… Continue reading WWR 109: Menopause 101 – Part 2

UC 280: Hormone Health with Sherrill Sellman

As Women we are dictated by our cycles, there is an ebb and flow to our life.  If something goes wrong with our cycle the typical prescription is The Pill, HRT or something similar. But what if a problem with your skin or your cycle at no matter what age and this includes menopause, is… Continue reading UC 280: Hormone Health with Sherrill Sellman