WWR 233: Women, Focus & ADHD

We’re well into a new year and we are seeing more and more women who are overwhelmed, over committed, fatigued and far too stressed! Is this a result of our busy lifestyles or do these women have ADHD or attentive disorders? Are there any other options to help with attention, focus and overwhelm? Don’t forget… Continue reading WWR 233: Women, Focus & ADHD

WWR 232: How do you know you’re ovulating?

Ovulation is the most important physiological event in the menstrual cycle! It’s the crescendo of all the hard work and communication between the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis and is an essential indicator of a healthy period. Interpreting the signs and symptoms of ovulation can help a woman to accurately track her cycle for contraceptive purposes or to… Continue reading WWR 232: How do you know you’re ovulating?

WWR 231: Male Contraception

Have you seen all the hype in the media about the male birth control ‘pill’? If you’re considering this for your partner do you want to know why this has taken so long to get to human trial testing stages and most importantly – is it safe? On this episode of wellness women radio, Dr… Continue reading WWR 231: Male Contraception

WWR 230: Preconception Essentials

Most women tend to take really good care of themselves and their nutrition during pregnancy and in the lead up to birth but what about before conception? Having a preconception plan is crucial for your hormonal health, fertility potential and has a huge impact on the health of the baby you’re planning. On this episode… Continue reading WWR 230: Preconception Essentials

WWR 229: Reclaiming Childbirth with Dr Rachel Reed

This episode is for all women who have given birth or are planning to! To all our Mamma’s and future mamma’s, on this episode of Wellness Women Radio we are joined by the incredible Dr Rachel Reed – author of “Reclaiming Childbirth as a Rite of Passage”. Dr Rachel Reed is prolific in the birth… Continue reading WWR 229: Reclaiming Childbirth with Dr Rachel Reed

WWR 228: The Infant Microbiome and First Foods for Bub with Kasey Wilson

On this episode of Wellness Women Radio we’re diving into nutrition for newborns and babies and how essential the healthy bub microbiome is! Kasey takes a deep dive into the development of the microbiota and the early life influences of gut health for babies as well as how to choose the best foods to introduce… Continue reading WWR 228: The Infant Microbiome and First Foods for Bub with Kasey Wilson

WWR 227: The Thyroid-Gluten Connection

Why is it so important to pay attention to your diet if you have thyroid issues? Why do we always go on and on about gluten and thyroid function? In this episode Dr Andrea and Dr Ashleigh unpack the science behind how gluten sensitivity exacerbates autoimmune thyroid conditions and everything you need to know heal… Continue reading WWR 227: The Thyroid-Gluten Connection

WWR 226: Postnatal Depletion

We’ve all heard of post natal depression and how common it is but what about the changes one or two years later? Postnatal depletion is a combination of deep, prolonged fatigue, emotional strain, hyper vigilance, nutritional deficiencies, overwhelm and sacrificing your own physical health that can also worsen any underlying medical conditions, and exacerbates poor… Continue reading WWR 226: Postnatal Depletion

WWR 225: Longevity & Blue Zones

Why are some people living much longer and healthier lives? We always want the elixir of youth and vitality and is it possible that some people around the world have found this? The blue zones around the world include Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicoya (Costa Rica), Icaria (Greece) and Loma Linda (California, USA). These regions… Continue reading WWR 225: Longevity & Blue Zones

WWR 224: Pros & Cons of Oral Contraceptives

On this episode of Wellness Women Radio, Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh go over some absolute fundamentals about your contraceptive choices that all women need to know! – this is all of the essentials that should absolutely form part of school education! Tune in to learn more about the pros & cons of taking oral… Continue reading WWR 224: Pros & Cons of Oral Contraceptives