TWIW 113: Fruit and veg in pregnancy reduces developmental delays

This Week In Wellness a three-generation cohort study has shown that high fruit and vegetable consumption during pregnancy is associated with a lower risk of developmental delays in the resultant children at age 2.

TWIW 64: Tummy time leads to better development

This Week In Wellness Australian researchers have shown that infant tummy time is associated with improved development, healthier weight babies and improved head shape. It was also linked with improved social and cognitive function as well as walking.

TWIW 40: Maternal fluoride intake linked to lower IQ in kids

This Week In Wellness JAMA paediatrics has published a study linking maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy with lower IQ scores at 3 to 4 years of age. Fluoride has long been a hotly debated topic due to it’s potential neurotoxicity and that fast that the dosage when included in the water supply is hard to… Continue reading TWIW 40: Maternal fluoride intake linked to lower IQ in kids

TNN 61: Speech Pathology & Tongue Ties

Special guest Val Gent from Let’s Eat Paediatric Speech Pathology joins me on the show today to talk about how speech pathology works and specifically discuss tongue ties and how this affects children. Val decided to move into paediatric speech pathology when she was moved by a baby she encountered on her university practicum, and… Continue reading TNN 61: Speech Pathology & Tongue Ties

MUM 077: Natalie Van Gelder ” Baby Sensory and The Importance of Play

So great to have Natalie on the show discussing this vital topi and sharing all about The Baby Sensory Program. We touch on so many aspects in this interview, those that affect new babies and their new parents and why these parents need to put attention to developing their child’s  awareness and experience with the… Continue reading MUM 077: Natalie Van Gelder ” Baby Sensory and The Importance of Play

MUM 055: Alison Young : Beware of The Compare

It was so great to have Dr Ali on the show sharing her wisdom. We’ve know each other since the ’90’s so we go way back and the episode flowed so easily. We thought it wold be good to discuss the “comparison epidemic” and so here it is. Enjoy the episode. X Kaz Dr Alison… Continue reading MUM 055: Alison Young : Beware of The Compare