TWIW 215: Tea inactivates Omnicron

This Week In Wellness a study published in Scientific Reports has shown that black, green and matcha tea were all effective at inactivating the Omnicron subvariant of SARS Coronavirus 2.

TWIW 210: Lockdown and gut health

This Week In Wellness research published in the journal Scientific Reports showed that infants who spent most of their first year of life during the pandemic have fewer types of bacteria in their gut than infants born prior to the pandemic.

TWIW 209: Your brain knows your immunity levels

This Week In Wellness peoples self assessments of their own bodies potential to fight off a pathogen was compared with the actual levels of antibodies in their blood for that same pathogen and the results were surprisingly accurate.

100NO 521: Does anyone care if you’re ill? Working through COVID and sickness

It seems that we have done a full 180 degree turn since the rise of COVID. Where it once felt that people who had COVID were the sickest of the sick, many businesses are now expecting their team to work from home whilst they have COVID. Where has our empathy for illness gone? Has the… Continue reading 100NO 521: Does anyone care if you’re ill? Working through COVID and sickness

TWIW 177: Melatonin more effective than Covid antivirals but not promoted

This Week In Wellness a review published in the Biomolecules journal has suggested that melatonin may be more effective in reducing long covid symptoms and COVID-19 inflammatory markers than commonly used antivirals. The authors have suggested that the reason it has not been promoted more as a solution is due to it’s easy availability and… Continue reading TWIW 177: Melatonin more effective than Covid antivirals but not promoted

TWIW 173: Lifestyle, not heart disease, raises Covid risk

This Week In Wellness Michigan Medical researchers have determined that it is the lifestyle factors that increase heart disease risk, not the presence of heart disease itself, that raises the risk of Covid-19 death. The study looked at over 5000 people admitted to Intensive Care Units with severe Covid in in the United States and… Continue reading TWIW 173: Lifestyle, not heart disease, raises Covid risk

TWIW 169: The advantage of naturally acquired immunity for Covid

This Week In Wellness the New England Journal of Medicine has published a study suggesting that the presence of mucosal antibodies in the airways may be responsible for the decreased risk of Omicron Covid infection for those with naturally acquired immunity when compared to those who received vaccinations alone.

WWR 223: We had COVID – This is what we did

In an absolute coincidence Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh both had COVID, at the same time! These are the exact things that Dr Andrea & Dr Ashleigh did to prevent long COVID and to ensure they had a very speedy recovery. Tune in to this latest episode of Wellness Women Radio to hear all about… Continue reading WWR 223: We had COVID – This is what we did

STNH 37: Daniel Baden – Long Covid and post viral fatigue

Meet Daniel Baden – an extremely well-known and respected name in the Australian naturopathic community. He is a naturopath and homoeopath, and has also taken on many roles over the years including; working with industry regulatory committees, providing technical support to practitioners, assisting various groups in research projects, lecturer, author, and, possibly the role he’s… Continue reading STNH 37: Daniel Baden – Long Covid and post viral fatigue

TWIW 154: Backroom deals create “draconian” Covid “dictatorship”

This Week In Wellness new South Australian laws enshrining emergency Covid powers into legislation have been described by the liberal opposition as “dark age dictatorship” amid growing concerns that the laws overreach in terms of the powers they provide and lack suitable safeguards.