AQJ 82: Solidteknics – Innovation in the face of a throw-away culture

In our throw-away society, we have no momentum towards sustainability and re-use. An unfathomable amount of disposable items, part toxic and part precious, are being discarded in landfill, offloading the responsibility of the impossible clean up to future generations. It is up to us to place demand on industry to create products that are sustainable… Continue reading AQJ 82: Solidteknics – Innovation in the face of a throw-away culture

AQJ 15: Kitchen Tools: Our tips for a well equipped kitchen

This week Jo and Leah empty their kitchen cupboards and chat about : What they mean by a real food kitchen, and the importance of going back to homemade foods Kitchen tools they have invested, in both good and the misguided, and what they recommend as alternatives Their top five tools that they can’t live without Jo and… Continue reading AQJ 15: Kitchen Tools: Our tips for a well equipped kitchen