HP 82: The Best Sales Strategy For Your Business

Have you been thinking about launching a new product? Launching a product can be as stressful as actually creating one, but the best time to launch is when another product of yours is reaching the peak of its sales success so that you can keep that much-needed cash flow coming in to keep the business… Continue reading HP 82: The Best Sales Strategy For Your Business

HP 73: No Pong! with Melanie McVean

What’s known as one of the fastest growing natural deodorant brand in Australia, started out as a Melanie McVean’s home DIY personal product that her husband needed to use on a holiday (as he forgot his commercial brand guys deodorant). He was so taken by surprise by how he had no pong (Yes pun intended).… Continue reading HP 73: No Pong! with Melanie McVean

QCC 158: Spicy Cabbage Rolls + Done is Better Than Perfect!

DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT! This episode is all about letting go of perfectionism and just jumping in and giving it a go… whether ‘it’ is cooking, starting a new project, business tasks you’ve been putting off, exercising, or anything else in life that is making you feel overwhelmed and ‘stuck’! I have a bit… Continue reading QCC 158: Spicy Cabbage Rolls + Done is Better Than Perfect!

HP 71: IIXIIST – The journey of a multimillion dollar swimwear brand with Rebecca Klodinsky

Launching her swimwear business at 24 and transforming it over the years to a $7M a year brand; with celebrities knocking on her door to wear her designs. Entrepreneur Rebecca Klodinsky remains down to earth. This globally recognised Australian Swimwear Brands has over 225K followers on Instagram and continues to crave the way in sales… Continue reading HP 71: IIXIIST – The journey of a multimillion dollar swimwear brand with Rebecca Klodinsky

HP 70: How to best market my itunes App? with Annette Lackovic

Hello fellow Annette! I have created a beautiful mindfulness app that focuses on relationships. It’s called “Take Two – Two minutes to a better relationship. I would love to know how to best market this app. Here’s a link to the website and app store if you’d like to take a look. Thanks for your… Continue reading HP 70: How to best market my itunes App? with Annette Lackovic

HP 69: Lisa Curry – Happy Healthy You!

It’s not a surprise that Lisa Curry continually launches health products and programs after a lengthy career as a famous athlete. The triple Olympian athlete and motivation speaker shares how doing business is very similar to being an elite athlete “A lot of it is about communication; How I’d motivate someone when I train them… Continue reading HP 69: Lisa Curry – Happy Healthy You!

HP 68: How do I work out my target market? with Annette Lackovic

Today’s episode, I will answer the question on how to work out your target market. The question came to Petar and I from someone at an awesome business marketing group we attended, and they were interested in knowing what our business does and who it helps, but from the answer Petar gave, I felt the… Continue reading HP 68: How do I work out my target market? with Annette Lackovic

HP 67: The Evolution Of Business, Love and Life

Our mindset is critical in determining who we become and how successful we get. No matter if it’s Business, Career, Relationships, Health….the way you think and act affects your whole life. The importance of continually grooming the way you think; what you do and don’t let into your world is crucial for evolving into the… Continue reading HP 67: The Evolution Of Business, Love and Life

HP 66: How to stop the burn out? with Annette Lackovic

Annette I’ve been listening to your podcast for years and would love to know your advice on how to stop the burnout. I’m a single Mum of 3; I run my own successful business but if I stop the business will stop. I’m exhausted! I want to be a happier mother, I want to be… Continue reading HP 66: How to stop the burn out? with Annette Lackovic

NTM 230: You totally can mix motherhood and business

What does it look like to do business alongside intentional, conscious motherhood? We’re exploring this with 22 incredible women and sharing it with you – in this episode we delve into why creating these conversations is important to us, and the power of ‘showing up’ as your whole self…even when you’re not quite sure who… Continue reading NTM 230: You totally can mix motherhood and business