Show Notes

Rites of passage represent a time in your life when everything is up for renegotiation and nothing will ever be the same again. From brain, body and life changes, to relationship and identity changes, we’re asked to find ourselves within what seems like chaos, to open up more of who we are. But how do we do that? And what does that look like?

In this episode, we discuss:
– unintegrated and unsupported rites of passage
– fantasies and illusions flipping into nightmares and resentments
– mother wounds and how they manifest
– increased self-protection and decreased ability to receive help
– exhaustion, blame and shame
– supported and integrated rites of passage
– holding space and normalising the experiences and emotions in a rite of passage
– expansion and mastery
– easeful transition and sinking into a new identity

As mentioned in the podcast, to connect with Julie’s Sanctum – Circle & Ceremony Facilitator Training , visit,
DISRUPT: Revealing The Mother Wound is your opportunity to delve deeper on all things ‘The mother’, visit