TWIW 204: Sleep reduces brain benefits of exercise

This Week In Wellness research has suggested that middle-aged men not getting enough sleep won’t get the protective benefits of exercise, when it comes to their brains.

TWIW 203: Opioids no more effective than placebo for back and neck pain

This Week In Wellness Australian researchers have called into question the use of opioids for acute neck and back pain as research shows that the drugs may be no more effective than placebo.

TWIW 202: PCB’s linked to ADHD

This Week In Wellness oestrogen mimicking polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been shown to pass down through the generations contributing to a variety of neuroendocrine, metabolic and reproductive problems in the grandchildren of those exposed.

TWIW 200: Fish oil increases your muscle and strength gains

This Week In Wellness supplementing with fish oil may increase the muscle and strength gains of healthy young adults doing strength training.

TWIW 199: Motor control in kids linked to mathematics

This Week In Wellness better motor skills in first grade have been linked to better performance in reading and mathematics in the 3rd grade in a recent study at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

TWIW 198: WHO advises against non-sugar sweeteners

This Week In Wellness the World Health Organisation (WHO) has updated their advice on the use of non-sugar sweeteners for weight control to reflect the fact that research shows they do not confer any long term benefit and may in fact increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and all death.

TWIW 197: Healthy diet improves fitness without exercise

This Week In Wellness a healthy diet has been shown to increase physical fitness in middle aged adults by the same amount as an extra 4000 steps a day. This podcast is brought to you by Healthy Choices Chiropractic. Head to to book a full spinal, postural and neurological examination with me… Continue reading TWIW 197: Healthy diet improves fitness without exercise

TWIW 196: Sardines may be better than fish oil

This Week In Wellness a recent study published in the Frontiers in Nutrition Journal has shown that sardines may be more beneficial than fish oil supplements due to the presence of additional micronutrients. This podcast is brought to you by Healthy Choices Chiropractic. Head to to book a full spinal, postural and… Continue reading TWIW 196: Sardines may be better than fish oil

TWIW 195: Healthy diet reduces sleep apnea risk

This Week In Wellness high quality foods lower the risk of sleep apnea by up to 41% regardless of the individual’s BMI according to a US study published in Nutrients. However it didn’t significantly impact insomnia or sleep quality.

TWIW 194: The link between bone density and dementia

This Week In Wellness a study published in Neurology has identified an increased risk of dementia amongst elderly people with low bone density.