100NO 592: Are All Grains Created Equal?

A recent episode of the Channel Nine series – Do You Want to Live Forever? – discusses the importance of fibre and the recommendation to increase the intake of  wholegrains. Despite the food pyramid continuing to prioritize wholegrains, there is no doubt that the best source of fibre, both soluble and insoluble, will come from… Continue reading 100NO 592: Are All Grains Created Equal?

TWIW 146: 95% of dietary guidelines creators conflicted

This Week In Wellness a March 2022 study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition has found that 95% of the advisory committee members that created the 2020-2025 US Dietary Guidelines had a conflict of interest with food and or pharmaceutical industries. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35311630/

TWIW 101: URGENT input needed into Dietary Guidelines review

This Week In Wellness Australian of the Year and Ophthalmologist James Muecke, former Australian Cricket Doctor Peter Brukner and Orthopaedic surgeon Gary Fettke have written an open letter to the Australian public asking for help participating in a current review of the Australian Dietary Guidelines by the NHMRC (the National Health and Medical Research Council).… Continue reading TWIW 101: URGENT input needed into Dietary Guidelines review

TWG 2: The Food Pyramid vs. The Food Plate

The Wellness Guys discuss the controversial The Food Pyramid and the introduction of The Food Plate… but is it a better replacement of the Food Pyramid?  Listen and comment below on your thoughts.