100NO 97: Executing Your Dream

The personal growth industry quite possibly has a lot to answer for. So many people are aware of their big dreams and goals in life yet have no idea how to get started. And considering that life purpose is without doubt the most pivotal part of life, Marcus & Damian attempt to bring some clarity… Continue reading 100NO 97: Executing Your Dream

100NO 96: The Abnormal Psychologist Carrie Thomson-Casey

There’s been plenty happening at The Wellness Couch over the last few months – particularly when it comes to new podcasts. As of this recording there are ELEVEN podcasts on the Couch and that number is STILL growing – and one of the more popular new additions to the Couch has been Carrie Thomson-Casey and… Continue reading 100NO 96: The Abnormal Psychologist Carrie Thomson-Casey

100NO 95: Keep on Moving with Grahak Cunningham

Imagine doing a block of your local neighbourhood – let’s call it an 800m block – over and over and over again – for 7 weeks – 18 hours per day – 5649 times. Have a go at getting your head around that and you’ll no doubt have an enormous amount of appreciation for our… Continue reading 100NO 95: Keep on Moving with Grahak Cunningham

100NO 94: Stephen Jepson Part 2: Never Leave the Playground

The energy of Stephen Jepson is so great that we decided to make this interview a double episode. In this episode Jepson outlines is typical daily diet, his reason for doing what he does, and his own philosophy around getting older.

100NO 93: Stephen Jepson: Never Leave The Playground

Stephen Jepson is not your average 73 year old. The former potter who lives in Florida has created national attention through his passion for staying active at any age. His unique design Never Leave The Playground is the foundation of his work and once you hear the energy and enthusiasm of this man, you may… Continue reading 100NO 93: Stephen Jepson: Never Leave The Playground

100NO 92: Will 2015 be MORE of the SAME?

Damian and Marcus debrief on their Christmas period with a conclusion that the majority of people are looking at 2015 with little to no spark. The guys are quick to do a self-appraisal as to whether it’s “as within – so without” and devise a plan that anyone can latch on to for 2015 so that… Continue reading 100NO 92: Will 2015 be MORE of the SAME?

100NO 91: 2014 Awards & 2015 Predictions

It’s been a monumental year in the wellnessphere. Marcus & Damian review the big diets, the big exercises, the big movements, and forecast what they expect to see in the coming year across many areas of the health and wellness landscape.

100NO 90: Christmas Gratitude

Damian and Marcus share their gratitudes from their struggles in 2014 (Rather than the obvious sources of gratitude). The guys dig deep to reveal what they have been annoyed at and frustrated with the most, and then go on to explore how they are grateful for each of the events occurring.

100NO 89: What’s the World Coming To?

Damian and Marcus have a rare whinge-session on the craziness surrounding food labels and how their is demand to make them more complex, ensuring an even more confused nation and globe. Marcus finds it difficult to lift Damo’s melancholy around it all however the pair still finish off having a laugh together!

100NO 88: The Wellness Breakthrough preview

Marcus puts Damo the “Buddha of Breakthroughs” Kristof under the microscope and asks him what he would like to learn from the speakers at the first Wellness Couch event of 2015, The Wellness Breakthrough. MP goes through each one – from Carren, Kim and Cyndi, to Jo Whitton, Stu Hayes, his Wellness Guys co-stars, and… Continue reading 100NO 88: The Wellness Breakthrough preview