TWIW 145: Medical ‘maximisers’ may be worse off

This Week In Wellness a study has shown that “medical maximisiers”, people who are more prone to race off to the doctor, seek a prescription and demand a treatment may actually be doing themselves a disservice. The study looked at almost 3000 Aussie men aged 45 to 60 who were eligible for a prostate screening… Continue reading TWIW 145: Medical ‘maximisers’ may be worse off

TWIW 133: Do you have tumour killing bacteria?

This Week In Wellness researchers from the University of Cincinnati are investigating whether helpful bacteria may be used to help break down and destroy cancers. The study, published in the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials looked at “solid cancers” such as those that affect the breast and prostate as these form a barrier around themselves of… Continue reading TWIW 133: Do you have tumour killing bacteria?

WWR 127: Prostate Health

This is one for the fellas! In celebration of Men’s health month we are exploring a really important part of the male reproductive tract, the prostate gland! The prostate has so many important roles to play in maintaining overall health including protecting and nourishing sperm, filtering toxins, regulating hormone production and synthesis – just to… Continue reading WWR 127: Prostate Health