TWIW 133: Do you have tumour killing bacteria?

This Week In Wellness researchers from the University of Cincinnati are investigating whether helpful bacteria may be used to help break down and destroy cancers. The study, published in the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials looked at “solid cancers” such as those that affect the breast and prostate as these form a barrier around themselves of… Continue reading TWIW 133: Do you have tumour killing bacteria?

TWG 386: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation

This week The Wellness Guys are joined by Gastroenterologist Dr Paul Froomes to talk about the latest research and developments into Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT). Yes FMT is exactly what it sounds like and yes it is getting some great results. Whilst FMT is now well recognised as a treatment for C. difficile infections there… Continue reading TWG 386: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation

TPS 248: Quirky Cooking with Jo Whitton

It has been almost 3 years since we last had one of Brett’s favourite recipe sources (and people) Jo Whitton on the show so we thought it was time for a refresh. Jo shares with us the amazing growth of the Quirky Cooking tribe over the last 3 years and as she shares what she… Continue reading TPS 248: Quirky Cooking with Jo Whitton