UC 393: Sleep Breath Heal with Dr Scott Wustenberg

Introduction Dr Scott is a passionate teacher in nutrition and chiropractic neurology as well as Sleep/Airway medicine. Inspired to become a Chiropractor by his uncle, Scott studied Biochemistry and Physiology at Auckland University, and Chiropractic at the NZCA School of Chiropractic. He graduated in the first class, and has practiced in NZ, and Queensland. In… Continue reading UC 393: Sleep Breath Heal with Dr Scott Wustenberg

SLP 95: If Not Me Then Whom with Dr Scott Wustenberg

‘In fairness and open disclosure, I have definitely had my moments of pity party, you know… I’m very normal like everyone else. There’s been some hard moments. You know, finger painting poop on the wall or on the television screen. The kids cut into the speaker cone when things were at their worst. My kids… Continue reading SLP 95: If Not Me Then Whom with Dr Scott Wustenberg