TWIW 99: Do plant foods cause cats to kill wildlife

This Week In Wellness a 12-week trial has shown that cats that eat more animal proteins are less likely to impact on wildlife. The study looked at 355 cats in South West England and compared cats whose diet was largely meat derived with cats who were fed more plant-derived proteins. Get personally mentored by me… Continue reading TWIW 99: Do plant foods cause cats to kill wildlife

TWIW 42: Man’s best friend linked to brain health

This Week In Wellness a study from Johns Hopkins Medicine suggests that kids exposed to dogs prior to the age of 12 were significantly less likely (as much as 24%) to develop schizophrenia later in life. Robert Yolken, M.D., chair of the Stanley Division of Pediatric Neurovirology and professor of neurovirology in pediatrics at the… Continue reading TWIW 42: Man’s best friend linked to brain health

TPS 272: The Paleo Vet

This week Brett interviews Paleo Veterinarian Kelly Maher about the Paleo lifestyle, how the principles apply to animals and how she has incorporated the Paleo lifestyle into her family of 5. The conversation ranges from how and why she adopted a LCHF, then a Paleo diet to how to help dogs, cats and yes even… Continue reading TPS 272: The Paleo Vet