TWIW 14: Could cinnamon oil could be the key to preventing super bugs

This Week In Wellness research conducted by Dr. Sanjida Halim Topa with colleagues at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has shown that a major component of cinnamon essential oil could be the answer to control the dispersion of superbugs and the development of their biofilm. As antibiotics become less and less effective against superbugs, there… Continue reading TWIW 14: Could cinnamon oil could be the key to preventing super bugs

UC 296: Glyphosate and Roundup causing a train wreck with our health with Cyndi O’Meara

On July 17th 2018 The Up For A Chatters interviewed the author of WhiteWash, Carey Gillam.  That interview was a prelude to today’s podcast.  While Carey’s interview and book is about the corruption, greed and political issues with Monsanto and Roundup, Cyndi continues the story of roundup, going through the history, the health effects and… Continue reading UC 296: Glyphosate and Roundup causing a train wreck with our health with Cyndi O’Meara