100NO 533: Tech Neck, Ergonomics, Laptop v Desktop & Brain Health

Could it be that the way we sit at our desk can deprive us of oxygen and nutrients? You bet! On this episode we go hard on our sitting posture, especially as it relates to computers and phone use. Some key points we discuss – In poor posture at the desk or when seated, your… Continue reading 100NO 533: Tech Neck, Ergonomics, Laptop v Desktop & Brain Health

TWIW 155: “Tech neck” on the rise in Australia

This Week In Wellness the Australian Chiropractors Association is reporting that Australians are now spending 5.5 hours a day on their phones, with the additional 60% of neck flexion caused placing an extra 27kg of weight through the spine and leading to increased risk for physical and mental health challenges. https://www.chiro.org.au/patients/campaigns/spinal-health-week/#techneck https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/chronic-musculoskeletal-conditions/back-problems/contents/what-are-back-problems www.chiro.org.au/find-a-chiro