100NO 306: Synchronicity Part 2- Joining Dots, What If It Was All Meant To Be

We continue our conversation on synchronicity and sliding doors moments with more real-life examples from our own personal lives and those of our friends. We share a recent story from Cyndi O’Meara about her unknown connection to Brandon Bays, plus we share some incredible family and career moments that go beyond the realm of random… Continue reading 100NO 306: Synchronicity Part 2- Joining Dots, What If It Was All Meant To Be

100NO 305: Sliding Doors Moments & Synchronicity | Making Sense Of Hard Times

Do you remember the movie Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow? In this episode we reflect on how some of our guests have experienced great joy, love and success only after going through harrowing experiences. We use World War Two survivors Eddie JakuĀ  and Ada Murkies as examples, who both fell in love with their life… Continue reading 100NO 305: Sliding Doors Moments & Synchronicity | Making Sense Of Hard Times