100NO 541: People pleasing, identity and defining who we are

In our first recording back on Australian soil, we discuss the importance of making decisions that define who we truly are, rather than who people want us to be. We might wear many hats – child, sibling, spouse, golfer, netballer, accountant, friend, etc – but living congruently with who we are, and who we expect… Continue reading 100NO 541: People pleasing, identity and defining who we are

100NO 434: Identity Crisis? Here’s What To Do

There are times in life where our identity can change overnight. Having a baby, starting a business, changings jobs, getting divorced, or retiring can all bring with them major “who am I?” moments. On this episode we answer the question sent to us by 100 Not Out listener Pritesh. His question is around the perceived… Continue reading 100NO 434: Identity Crisis? Here’s What To Do

NTM 296: The holding on and letting go of identity in motherhood

Do I belong here anymore? When the moments and transitions of your children’s growth and development call you into mourning and letting go of what has always been up and until now, how do you meet and reform your identity from this tender place? If you stay too attached to the identity you’ve developed up… Continue reading NTM 296: The holding on and letting go of identity in motherhood

TWG 382: Masculinity and THAT Gilette ad

This week Brett and Damian have a really robust conversation about THAT Gilette ad. If you haven’t seen it yet you can check it out here. Is this ad an attack on masculinity? Is it yet another nail in the coffin for men and men’s sense of identity or mental health? Or is this merely… Continue reading TWG 382: Masculinity and THAT Gilette ad