SLP 305: Self Love Quicky – The Reconnection Revolution with Edwina Murphy-Droomer

The Reconnection Revolution is coming. We are locking arms. We are going back to basics. Somewhere along the way, we have lost connection to what matters most, and the consequences have been devastating to the physical and mental health of millions around the world. But we can change that, and we will… for you, for… Continue reading SLP 305: Self Love Quicky – The Reconnection Revolution with Edwina Murphy-Droomer

SLP 105: Phenomenal Feminine Entrepreneurs with Edwina Murphy-Droomer

‘It is a value question. And we do find money for the things we value.  There’s no question about it. And you know as many, many years as a single mum with four kids we always at organic food. And I hear people say ‘but how did you afford that?’ Questioning that. And I said… Continue reading SLP 105: Phenomenal Feminine Entrepreneurs with Edwina Murphy-Droomer