TWIW 137: Could your cuppa be causing cancer or birth defects?

This Week In Wellness research published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology has shown that a cup of tea can contain up to 60 disinfection byproducts (DBP’s) including some with unknown health side effects. This episode is brought to you by my FREE mentoring group Healthy Lifestyle Choices. For wellness information, inspiration… Continue reading TWIW 137: Could your cuppa be causing cancer or birth defects?

TWG 334: What should and should not be in your water

This week The Wellness Guys interview Janet from Zazen Alkaline water. Zazen make an incredible range of water filters favoured by pretty much the whole crew on The Wellness Couch so who better to get on to talk about what should and should not be in our drinking water, including discussion on chlorine, flouride and… Continue reading TWG 334: What should and should not be in your water