100NO 566: Ageism: A Cancer on Society or an Overreaction?

Is Damo sensitive now that he has turned the big 5-0 or is he actually experiencing ageism? With a 5 in front of his age AND a golf handicap of about 5, is he really too old for a golf tournament or is that blatant ageism? In this week’s episode we question if ageism is… Continue reading 100NO 566: Ageism: A Cancer on Society or an Overreaction?

100NO 466: Ageism is rife towards ourselves and others

A recent conversation Marcus had with a friend regarding the age and function of his phone has stimulated a conversation on how we perceive our own hardware and software and ability to function as human beings. Are we telling ourselves “I’m too old to do X” as a result of what others have told us?… Continue reading 100NO 466: Ageism is rife towards ourselves and others