Show Notes

“I guess where I got to was, look I can probably be a bit of a conduit to sort of get people inspired about these, pursuing their passion quests and passion projects which for whatever reason often fall to the wayside, we get busy, we have kids, we get into careers that feel like they’re so extremely important and all-consuming that we forget the little simple pleasures of life.” Mike Drohan

If you have found yourself feeling like life is on a never-ending treadmill, that you are doing the status quo, have lost your mojo or feeling like you have lost your purpose and passion then you are going to love this conversation with Mike Drohan. It’s Mike’s firmly held belief that finding your extraordinary is a critical ingredient in the mix required to shift people from ‘wishing they were doing their epic’ to ‘doing their epic stuff’. Get ready to level up and step into your extraordinary.

Mike shares his experiences and ability to step up and into living his dreams. And here are 3 of his North Stars to Live Your Passion:

  1. Finding and living your extraordinary way is a process, sometimes a challenge
  2. It’s ok to switch grooves, change is good for us and it’s important to give yourself permission to do so.
  3. Action makes you feel good, planning and thinking is important but doing things is where you feel better

Mike shares how he took a plunge by asking one of his greatest mentors, someone he almost idilised, to be interviewed and that simple question was answered with a yes, lead him to start his own podcast ‘Doing Epic Stuff’.

He believes there are many reasons to be inspired to root for people you look up to which includes their ability to be human, their culture and identity, their inspirational approach to food and diet, their constant desire to experiment in life as well as the personal and business synergy. Keep finding souls to inspire you.

Constantly revisit your why, your purpose and redefine your reasons for doing what you do. It’s important to make time for internal review as it can pay dividends. Look at your outcome vision, it doesn’t have to be huge or too far away. And do this often.

Ask yourself how can you effect positive change? If you are leading a lifestyle where you can do that you are going to feel pretty good. How can you amplify your own story.

An important aspect Mike shares is the management of your own time. How to take control of your time in workflow processes and habits.

Mike believes the definition of elf-love is pursuing your extraordinary and making the time to do it. It is about prioritising your passions. And if you are not sure what that is, it is anything that gives you joy.

Mike is on a daily mission: to empower more people to find and follow their extraordinary.

Why should/would he care, one might ask?

Mike’s been fortunate enough to live a life greatly enriched by pursuing his extraordinary things and, through them; experienced the sustained positive change (aka levelling up!) in all aspects of his own life.

This mission is the intersect of something he’s truly passionate about, something he can do best and something that will create positive change. If he can do all three and manage not to go broke in the process; even better!!

When I asked Mike what is he into this is what he shared:

Boot-strapping a charity event to raise $10K for Livestrong Foundation (yep; the same one that old mate Lance Armstrong was the public figurehead for before he got busted for systemic doping) in order to shortcut secure a ticket to limp pitifully participate in the New York Marathon.

Getting my but kicked Trained Muay Thai (The Combat Art of 8 Limbs) throughout gyms in Thailand.

Surfed survived some of the best breaks in the world across APAC and Europe.

Backpacked from Brazil to Colombia over 13 months (surviving multiple run ins with a severe peanut allergy along the way –oops!)

Boot-strapped a digital advertising agency (back in 2010) before I had more sense it was a thing…

Lived ‘La Vida Digital Nomad’ across 8 countries, 3 continents and 13 mobile sim cards whilst managing the demands of several major advertiser clients based in Australia.

Launched the Doing Epic Stuff podcast during a pandemic + an extremely soul crushing high stress professional role in the advertising industry

Coaching Girls under 11s basketball –‘what have I gotten myself into’

Mike’s favourite quote from Drake is:

‘You know you’ve made it when you are who you think you are.”

And finally, Mike says take control of what you want to do. Take the steps, put it in action, get started, get going. Spend time today or this week put it in the calendar that is blank. Make time for you for self-exploration and a passion lead life.

If you would like to follow Mike here are his links:
Doing Epic Stuff Podcast:
Linked In:

About the Doing Epic Stuff Podcast

Discover (or rediscover) your next passion project, spirit quest, professional pathway, side-hustle or secret thrill. As ‘The Boss’ once so aptly stated: “You can’t light a fire without a spark.” This podcast aims to be that spark. Join your host; Mike Drohan, as we explore the stories and journeys of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.If you’re not excited about the next step, why take it? ‘Cause we have the license to do or be whoever, or whatever the heck we want.Damn, it feels good to be a gangster…#DoingEpicStuff

THANKYOU FOR LISTENING… If you would like to share your feedback on this podcast please head to my Facebook and Instagram pages below. Thanks so much if you take the time to give me a 5-star rating on iTunes so that others find this podcast easily and I sincerely appreciate all of your feedback and comments. It makes it all worthwhile as I know this podcast can plant a seed where big things can indeed grow!


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