SLP 399: Self Love Quicky – The Effect of Smell on the Amygdala for Emotional Trauma

9 Minutes

Recent studies at New York University have uncovered fascinating insights into the role of the amygdala in the brain’s limbic...

SLP 398: Break A Leg with Paula Gowland

79 Minutes

‘I think I was expecting an older gentleman that had been an orthopaedic surgeon for many, many years, but he...

SLP 397: Self Love Quicky – Reframe Don’t Blame

9 Minutes

Blaming others or circumstances for our difficulties is a common way to respond, but it often keeps us stuck in...

SLP 396: Colour Nuances and Beautiful Hair with Maria Faulder

67 Minutes

‘So, I am inspired by a sort of childhood version of the client. So, to try and replicate what the...

SLP 395: Self Love Quicky – The Importance of a Good Laugh

10 Minutes

In the busyness of daily life, finding moments of genuine joy can sometimes feel like a luxury more than a...

SLP 394: Finding Something Within To Give To Others with Karis Ramsay

73 Minutes

‘I then devoted myself to wanting to help others, and wanting to help others was one of my biggest drivers....

SLP 393: Self Love Quicky – Building Rapport and Communicating Effectively

12 Minutes

Great communication skills are a cornerstone of successful relationships, both personally and professionally. And, building rapport which is the process...

SLP 392: Self Love Replay – A Conversation We Need To Have with Dr Sherrill Sellman

65 Minutes

This week we have the conversation that needs to be had with the incredible Dr Sherrill Sellman. As much as...

SLP 391: Self Love Quicky – Let’s Not Take Our Freedom for Granted

11 Minutes

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of freedom often gets overlooked amidst our daily routines and responsibilities. We hustle through...