Show Notes

At the age of 12 Kurek Ashley began his dream of being an actor in Hollywood. Having the time of his life working in a number of films over the ensuing years alongside stars like Sylvester Stallone, John Travolta and Russell Crowe, it was during the filming of Delta Force 2 with Chuck Norris that Kurek was involved in a helicopter crash. Tragically, five of his friends were killed including his best mate Mike who he held in his arms as he passed away. This beautiful and emotionally charged interview is a game changer especially when Kurek teaches you to ask yourself in any given situation, ‘What’s great about this?’

Mike was the last guy Kurek pulled from the wreckage as it burst into flames. It was fully engulfed, but he knew he was not leaving his friend in there. Kurek dragged him into the back of a car, Mike was laying across his lap burnt to a crisp. Kurek gave him CPR and brought him back five times.

In the grips of despair Kurek explains that a part of Mike attached to him, he breezed through him as he passed. He saw Mike on a regular basis over the following two years. He shares an incredible out of body experience with his mate and how it felt touching ‘the light’ it was warm without temperature and bright without squinting. It was pure love.  He now operates from a place of profoundness and true personal growth and teachings because of this experience.

We talk about catastrophes and tragedies that all of us have and the impact they have on us. I ask him why some seem to come out the other side and yet there are some who seem to get really stuck in the drama.

Kurek calls it ‘drama glue’, he says it’s because they tell their drama story. They get attention, they perceive it’s love. And they have to give more drama to get more attention, so get themselves into worse and worse situations to keep the story alive. But the real way to come out the other side of any circumstance is to ask the question…

‘What’s great about this?’

This helps us to focus on ‘more’, on what’s possible and to expand. This is what has helped Kurek to turn his life around and has been one of the greatest questions for change

You do not want to rob yourself of the emotions, just know it’s about the love.

We talk about if there is a magic formula to get through tough times. Kurek has been learning how to lean into these feelings and shares what he believes is the way up, out, over and through.

His mum’s last words were that she asked him to promise to have kids. He honours his mum and dad by living life to the fullest. But not at the point where it takes away the joys or experiences of life. He says he lives very present to the moment and not trying to change the things he cannot.

His first book ‘How Would Love Respond?’ has been to reprint seven times after taking four years to write it. He shares the magic in this book and how it has been a phenomenal success and best-selling title. The two most powerful words are I am… And this question This is another amazing and healing question to ask yourself.

We deep dive into past scriptures, we talk about the most powerful energy on the planet and that is LOVE.

Kurek’s definition of self love:

If you do not know God you do not know love because God is love. It is the natural order to love oneself. It is the only way we will evolve.  It is self-discovery.

Investment even the word says – I invest in me – it is the best investment you will ever make. Work on it every day. Kurek’s daily power questions are:
What am I grateful for?

What do I love more about my son today than

What do I love more about myself than I did yesterday?
Do mirror work – convince the guy you are looking at that you love him.

It is an ongoing process that is always under construction. We are all a work in progress. It is about the Universe – the oneness of everything. You either evolve or dissolve. And we must remember we have not evolved to be perfect.

Kurek talks about his son being the most successful thing he has ever done. He wants him to know that the purpose of this lifetime is to enjoy it. If you can look back on it and say wow, that was amazing you’ve won. But if you spend time on working crazy hours or blaming family or looking at all the wrongs… you’ve lost, you have missed it.

Kurek believes there is only one formula for wholistic success:

  1. Reinvent yourself and manage how you think and feel differently, everyone has fears and worries, but how can you think and feel differently to achieve success.
  2. Set grand dream goals that give you the most amount of joy to experience and know that this will include the challenges. It’s actually not about the goal it’s about the growth whilst attaining the goal and that’s what the holistic successful person looks at.
  3. Take immediate and consistent action, never set a goal that you don’t take immediate action on or else it just fades away.
  4. Test and measure to make sure we’re on track to achieving that goal.
  5. Network because if you’re not networking, you’re not working. A team is always more powerful than the individual.
  6. Contribution there is always stuff about tithing as it teaches the brain about abundance and activates the law of circulation.
  7. Follow through as the fortune is always in the follow through.

This is the exact same formula for getting healthy and fit, to raising a child or for an Olympian, an entrepreneur to a stay-at-home mum.

You will love Kurek’s story about working with Natalie Cook and Kerri Pottharst who won the gold medal at the Sydney Olympics and how this formula can apply to your own life.

When people screw up whether a top sportsman or everyday person, Kurek believes it comes back to a lack of self-love.

We talk about the secret formula in how to help yourself or someone else. Kurek says we all have empowering and disempowering habits and neutral habits. To be successful turn a neutral habit into an empowering habit. Turn a disempowering habit into an empowering habit.

It’s not what you do once in a while it’s what you do consistently. This is how you go from down and out to an inspiring holistic success.

He would tell his 15 year old self to have a good time, and that it will all be ok. Don’t miss it. Get over it. Remind yourself this is not your story.
He recommends you watch The Big Fish.

Kurek’s favourite quote is:

In order to fly you have to let go of the world you are holding on to.

To get a copy of his book ‘How Would Love Respond’ or to wait for his next book ‘The Mystical Mentor’ you can follow Kurek and check out the links here:

You Tube:
Linked In:

His final message about how to deal with the world right now he has a strong message. He believes nothing has really changed in thousands of years. There is always going to be two sides, the majority and minority. Polarity means you cannot have one side without the other. Governments and religions have always controlled people through fear. When we live in fear, we become part of the problem. If you are afraid do all you can to stay healthy and be active to protect yourself. It’s not about what’s happening it’s what are you going to do about what’s happening. Focus on yourself as being part of the solution and contribution. Be the change that you want to happen.

Kurek Ashley is “The Transformer”.  He’s one of the most in demand first class speakers and success coaches in the world. He is recognized as one of the premier experts in personal and professional development, self-discovery and peak performance.

For over 30 years, Fortune 500 companies and major corporations around the world, such as Apple, Seagate, Schwarzkopf, Westin Hotels, The Australian Royal Airforce and Carlton United Brewery, hire Kurek to teach them tactical success strategies that have produced awe-inspiring results.

His list of private clients include; Hollywood film and TV stars, movie directors, producers and cinematographers, a quintuple platinum rock band, hit music composers, top business leaders, oil executives in Kuwait, Olympic Gold Medallists, professional athletes and sports teams, and the list goes on and on.

Working in over 17 countries around the world, giving up to 100 presentations, workshops and seminars a year, and through hundreds of media appearances, Kurek has impacted the lives of millions of people around the world.

Anthony Robbins says, Kurek you are the truly the embodiment of the word Outstanding!

Meeting Kurek, whether it is in person, through his books or his programs, he ignites the desire in you to want to live your life to the fullest and he powerfully gives you the tools to do it. He has an uncanny ability to connect with every person in the room and every person in the audience walks away feeling as if Kurek was speaking directly to them. His passionate, raw honesty will take your breath away and his infinite ability to love will stir the depths of your soul and enable you to realize your greatness.

Kurek Ashley is the #1 international best-selling author of “How would Love respond?”. Within four hours of the book being released it took the number 1 spot on for “Hot New Releases”, and “Movers and Shakers” and #4 on Barnes and Nobles.

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