“An email came through from Seth Godin this morning and it said, ‘Will everything be OK?’ And he’d written it depends on what you mean by that. Is everything going to be the way it was and how I expect it to be? Then the answer would be no! And it always has been no. But is everything going to be the way it’s going to be? Then yes because we don’t have control over that external environment. And the only way we can move through any uncertainty or helplessness or hopelessness is, ‘What is my next best step? What am I going to do about the situation I am in now?’ Instead of going too far forward, or looking back on what’s been and longing for what was because I don’t think right now we get that luxury of having what was. Everything is thrown on its head. So there’s a really great opportunity for us as individuals to come back to what’s truly important to me?” Erin Barnes.
I am excited to share this week’s podcast with the amazing Erin Barnes a specialist in physical health, mental wellbeing and stress resistance. And given the world we live in right now the information Erin shares will help you to realise you are not alone, how your brain is working and dealing with various stressors and what you can do to have the brain enjoy small wins.
Erin explains how the fear response, when activated, stops us seeing things and that ACTION is key when it comes to stepping out of fear. Although the brain is a rather complex organ we can look at it simply. If you have ever wondered how our brain actually receives and translates information you are going to love to hear how Erin teaches us how the neocortex (logic) basically goes offline when stressed, and the limbic part of the brain the emotional centre (the amygdala) comes online and dominates. It’s our fight or flight which causes immune suppression and pushes us quickly into autopilot.
Erin gives us some amazing tips to tame the amygdala:
Rituals in the home matter and it’s important to lead by example. Aim to sit together as a family, a team and check-in how everyone wants to show up? Post It notes could be a great help. It is the simple routines that will get us through and the accumulation effect that has huge positive outcomes. Ask yourself these questions to raise hope and possibility.
– How do I want to show up today?
– What do I need today?
– Ask those around you the same thing
– Use a Productivity Planner (Erin has designed an adult and child’s Planner for you to use in your home and family check out the link below)
We discuss the impact of social distancing and self-isolation and how to set up different ways to connect and communicate. We talk about what brings us down, what dulls us, and that for Erin includes busyness.
Erin mentions Brene Brown’s new Podcast – Unlocking Us Podcast – which talks about FFT’s (Freakin First Times!!) https://brenebrown.com/podcast/introducing-unlocking-us/
Leonie’s Podcast (Erin’s Sister) – The Splendid Word – Spread The Good News – https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/spreading-the-good-stuff-podcast/id1399953334
There is information shared on forgiveness, not feeling good enough and managing our emotions, how to be brave and do better self-care.
We talk about the benefits of writing LOVE NOTES to people you care about and love. And the power of good nutrition, what should you eat in times of stress?
Check out all of Erin’s work particularly around her 4 C’s Methodology and her Whole Life Success Planner in the links below.
Her favourite quote is:
My behaviour matters but after that, I have no control.
Erin Barnes is a physical health, mental wellbeing and stress resilience specialist. She is the founder of Next Generation Wellness the Creator 4Cs Methodology and Author of The Whole Life Success Planner and My Best Life Planner – for kids
You can follow Erin here:
Web: https://join.nextgenerationwellness.com.au/NextGenerationWellness
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erinbarnes__ngw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nextgenerationwellnessaustralia/
Podcast: Next Generation Wellness
PLEASE NOTE: If you are going through any upset, feel you are in a crisis or are unsure who to speak to based on how you are feeling please contact LIFELINE on 131114 or go to https://www.lifeline.org.au/
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Twenty8 Essentials
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The Art Of Self Love – https://twenty8.com/product/the-art-of-self-love/
Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – https://www.kimmorrisontraining.com/
Essential Oils 101 Program – https://www.kimmorrisontraining.com/essential-oil-101
Kim Morrison Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/
Many thanks to Wes and Charlotte Carr – https://wesleydeanmusic.com/