Are You Behind The 8 Ball?

In this episode, Dr M shares How you can recognize your stress quickly through the 8 Ball Quiz. Recognizing your stress is the first step in managing and beginning to being the Queen of your Stress versus your stress being the Queen over you! Take the quiz and see where your stress is at right… Continue reading Are You Behind The 8 Ball?

BQS 4: Action Taker vs Procrastinator

In this episode Dr M discusses how procrastination can take over from action taking. If there was a subject at Uni on Procrastination at Uni, Dr M would have got top marks…. Dr M shares her thoughts on how to break the procrastination cycle and become an action taker in easy simple steps. To stay… Continue reading BQS 4: Action Taker vs Procrastinator

BQS 3: Curve Balls

In this episode, Dr M discusses the curve balls that are thrown our way. Having our buttons pushed can throw curve balls into our days that can throw us off course. Being in control of how you respond to button pushing can be the difference in achieving your goals or staying in your current state.… Continue reading BQS 3: Curve Balls

BQS 2: I am the daughter of a workaholic

In this episode, Dr M discusses the impact of what we watch when we were little.  She discusses the lessons good and bad that she took from being the daughter of a workaholic. Having a father that worked 7 days a week developed a super solid work ethic, but she discusses the lessons learnt falling… Continue reading BQS 2: I am the daughter of a workaholic

BQS 1: The Big WHY

In the first Episode, Dr. M talks about the WHY behind The Queen of Stress podcast. Dr. M discusses how after four-year planning with a touch of procrastination on the side, hat the time is now to start a podcast about all things that she is passionate about! Through a journey that started at her… Continue reading BQS 1: The Big WHY