TWIW 151: Environmental action leads to happiness

This Week In Wellness a study published in Environmental Science and Policy has shown that environmentally friendly actions leads to greater ‘subjective well being’ (or happiness) regardless of their income, or values and motivations.

TWIW 92: Single use plastics banned

This Week In Wellness after a brief halt to the plan caused by the Coronavirus my home state South Australia will push ahead with its plan to ban some single use plastics (including straws, cutlery and drink stirrers) by March 1 and indicated that more items are likely to be added in the future.… Continue reading TWIW 92: Single use plastics banned

WAY 71: DeCluttering Marie Kondo with Eco Organiser Tanya Lewis

Welcome to Episode 71 of Wendy’s Way.  With all the Hype around Marie Kondo and her KonMarie style of decluttering, I felt compelled to do a podcast on it.  I wanted to bring a different point of view and add some missing elements to the conversation.  I invited the Guru of organising and decluttering, Eco… Continue reading WAY 71: DeCluttering Marie Kondo with Eco Organiser Tanya Lewis