HSW 86: Quitting Work to Travel for 14 Months with Mike and Alison Bareham

They’re back!  Mike and Alison Bareham (whom I interviewed back in episode 60) just before they were about to head off on their adventure around Australia and the World, are back from their whirlwind trip! Mike and Alison, who are based in Nerang in Queensland Australia, actually did what so many of us think about… Continue reading HSW 86: Quitting Work to Travel for 14 Months with Mike and Alison Bareham

HSW 60: Throwing In Your Jobs To Go Travelling with Alison and Mike Bareham

Now we’ve all thought about.  We’ve all dreamed about it – particularly after a crappy shift at work.  But what makes someone actually go ahead and quit their jobs, as opposed to following the more “sensible route” of staying on the go-to-work, come-home-from work, go-to-work again treadmill. Well in this episode, you’re going to hear… Continue reading HSW 60: Throwing In Your Jobs To Go Travelling with Alison and Mike Bareham