100NO 446: Finding The Spark of Happiness Despite the Trauma – Remembering Ada Murkies

Today we pay homage to a previous guest of 100 Not Out, Ada Murkies. Ada passed away recently aged 98, and it would be remiss of us not to remember and replay for you Ada’s incredible outlook on life. Imagine this: It’s 1940 and Ada Murkies is a young Polish teenager of 17 when she… Continue reading 100NO 446: Finding The Spark of Happiness Despite the Trauma – Remembering Ada Murkies

100NO 256: 95-year-old Ada Murkies – War Survivor & Serbian Exile Cross Recipient

It’s 1940 and Ada Murkies is a young Polish teenager of 17 when she hears a knock at the door. It’s 2 o’clock in the morning and it’s Russian army officers, demanding they pack their belongings within 2 hours and prepare to be deported to Siberia. Ada, her brother and sister, mother and grandmother are… Continue reading 100NO 256: 95-year-old Ada Murkies – War Survivor & Serbian Exile Cross Recipient