“I don’t care who you are as a human being, there are things that happen in your life that are absolutely devastating and you may be what you believe to be the cause of it. And no matter how perfect the Universe is these things are obviously there, I don’t know for what reason, but it was a time I did not like myself and I still struggle with that one, you can hear it in my voice. I still struggle. I’ve never spoken about this publicly.” Cyndi O’Meara
I am super excited to share someone very precious to me today. The amazing Cyndi O’Meara who is not only an incredible Nutritionist, Educator and Researcher, but the founder of Changing Habits and The Nutrition Academy.
Cyndi also happens to be one of my best and most precious of friends. We have known each other for over 16 years and consider one another to be a sister from another mister!
Cyndi is passionate about educating. Her greatest love is to teach, both in the public arena and within the large corporate food companies, to enable everyone to make better choices so they too can enjoy greater health throughout their lives. Her unique, surprisingly simple yet extensively researched but down-to-earth approach, challenges and encourages others to eliminate unhealthy habits and has inspired thousands to make smarter choices about the food they choose to put into their body.
Cyndi confronts her audiences, whether, within the public or corporate sectors, she has the courage to call out deception and misinformation and believes in arming people with the tools and resources to reach their goals.
Many would consider Cyndi as someone who has it all together, someone who is highly successful and always leading the way. But as you listen in to this show you will see she shares some very personal and intimate moments when she feels the complete opposite to that. She talks about her life growing up and how, along with her brother, she has quite a different perspective to that of her sister’s. She talks about losing her mother and sister so young. You will love Cyndi’s definition of self-love and what she believes to be the biggest problem in society right now. Cyndi says when she is not at her best and what she absolutely loves about herself. And you will love her self-care rituals, hero’s and what she loves to do to top her own tank.
Cyndi believes we are in a collective consciousness right now, a chance to raise our vibration and to awaken to what is really important in life.
If you would like to follow Cyndi here are her links:
Website: https://changinghabits.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/changinghabits
Twitter: https://twitter.com/changinghabits
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/changinghabits_hq/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChangingHabitsHQ
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/changinghabits/
Twenty8 Essentials – https://twenty8.com/
Discount Code for SLP Listeners – selflovepodcast
Twenty8 Essentials
Website: https://twenty8.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/twenty8essentials
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twenty.8.essential/
The Art Of Self Love – https://twenty8.com/product/the-art-of-self-love/
Self-Love & Wellness Mentoring Program – https://www.kimmorrisontraining.com/
Essential Oils 101 Program – https://www.kimmorrisontraining.com/
Kim Morrison
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/