Show Notes

When I was seven years of age, I had this expansive thought: “How do we know this isn’t a dream and one day we’ll wake up from it?”. I believe what sits within all of us, is a yearning that there is more to life, not some sort of gluttonous drive, but a desire to explore and engage beyond the superficial. A knowing that, there is a point of calibration where we align and life expands beyond the typical, into the incredible abundance that is available for us all to experience.

For me, that’s been the persistent drawing toward an ever more exploration of who I am. Sometimes it’s been a loud crack of thunder, and even a jolt of metaphoric lightning, other times it’s been a distant tune that calls me to slow down and listen into. We all have a history a story that we bring out to try and make our life seem tangible to others. But does it truly express who we are? Or does it “capture” a still shot that falls short of who we are? I’m still exploring that depth and letting go of the artifact of the past to be a more courageous vision of the future. Truthfully, I have to admit I’m really enjoying this dance of life. So, you are so welcome to get to know me more through the conversations I indulge in with my amazing guests and maybe one day, a Nutritional Conversation down the track.

Big Luv
