Dr Dean Watson, a Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist completed his undergraduate physiotherapy qualification in 1976 and subsequently a Graduate Diploma in Advanced Manipulative Therapy with Honours, a Masters Degree by original research, and Doctor of Philosophy also by original research.
Dean is the Founder and Director of the Watson Headache® Clinic and Watson® Headache Institute. He continues to consult, presents courses to manual therapists nationally and internationally, and research the role of cervical afferents in the trigemino cervical nucleus otherwise known as brainstem sensitization environment.
Dr Dean Watson, on behalf of the Watson Headache® Institute presents continuing professional development courses to manual therapists (Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Manual Therapy Doctors) on examination (i.e. determining the relevancy or not of upper cervical afferents) and non high velocity thrust treatment of the upper cervical spine in not only cervicogenic headache but also primary headache and migraine conditions. For further information please visit the website www.watsonheadache.com. Dean Watson has been invited by Neurologic Education to present at their Conference, ‘The Integrative Therapies for Headache and Migraine’ to be held in Sydney 1st– 3rdMarch 2018. Please check – https://neurologiceducation.com.au/event_landing/integrative-therapies-headache-migraine/