Show Notes

  1. What defines a first world problem?
  2. Lisa – “I do not use my disability as an excuse”
  3. Lisa – “Do what you can with what you have”
  4. Recovery Goals- relearning to eat, stand and walk after being in intensive care
  5. Value of your family when your life is on the line
  6. Lisa is a Synapse Ambassador. Synapse strives to reconnect the lives of those most at risk within our community, affected by a Brain Disorder.
  7. What is Acquired Brain Injury? What is the invisible disability?
  8. Are you ready for BANGONABEANIE 2015?
  9. BANGONABEANIE is the National campaign for Brain Injury Awareness Week (17 – 23 August 2015) and buying just one beanie will show the 1 in 12 Australians with a Brain Injury they are not alone
  10. Lisa is an author of two books on body image with Wombat Publishers: “Media Muscle” and “Does this bum look big in this ad?”
  11. Real gratitude – what it means?
  12. Lisa – “True Inspiration is self inspiration – drawing on your own resources”
  13. Visualisation in Rehabilitation
  14. Three take home gems –
    1. Celebrate the small stuff
    2. Focus on what you have, not want you don’t
    3. You control your destiny

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