100NO 04: Don’t forget your Memory! With Dr Charles Krebs

Can’t find your keys? Your wallet? Forget someone’s name that you KNOW you shouldn’t? Are you “losing” your memory or could it be something else? Could you be developing Alzheimers? Dr Charles Krebs shares his wisdom with The 100 Not Out guys on his insights into the magnificent brain and how we can improve our… Continue reading 100NO 04: Don’t forget your Memory! With Dr Charles Krebs

ITCM 16: Carren Smith: Coming back from the dead

If anyone knows how to overcome adversity, it’s Carren Smith. How’s this for adversity: Carren lost her fiance to suicide, had a miscarriage with their baby soon after his death, then decided to commit suicide herself, only for fate to step in the way (aka Bali Bombing 2002) and show her that wasn’t her path… Continue reading ITCM 16: Carren Smith: Coming back from the dead

100NO 03: Dr John Demartini: Inspired Ageing

World renowned human behavioural specialist Dr John Demartini joins the 100 Not Out team to discuss the fundamentals of ageing well. Dr Demartini shares his insights on diet (including his own), exercise, self-analysis inspired by Ghandi, genetics, living with inspiration, and much more.

100NO 02: An Interview with Tommy Hafey – If it is to be it is up to me

At 81, he still gets up at 5:20 every morning to run 8km, swim in the ocean, do 250 push ups and 700 crunches. For the 70th Anniversary of car maker Jeep, they turned to then 79 year old football legend Tommy Hafey to show the world how “not holding back” is a key to… Continue reading 100NO 02: An Interview with Tommy Hafey – If it is to be it is up to me

ITCM 15: The Language of Mediocrity

Can we tell if we are performing below par based on our language alone? You bet! Find out what words, actions and beliefs are the catalyst for mediocre results and learn the 5 essentials to turning mediocre into World Class!

100NO 01: Breaking the Ageing Stereotype

In this introductory episode, Dr Damian Kristof and Marcus Pearce look at the perception we as individuals have of ageing and what we can do to break the ageing stereotypes. We outline our agenda for podcast and discuss why we both feel so passionately about educating people on how to age well. There will be… Continue reading 100NO 01: Breaking the Ageing Stereotype

ITCM 14: Success & Longevity

What makes some people stay at the top of their chosen field for their entire lives, whereas others fall by the wayside early on, or post-career? We asked 5-time Olympian Andrew Gaze how to sustain success over the long haul. A father of four, Australia’s greatest ever basketballer and a successful businessman, Gaze shares his… Continue reading ITCM 14: Success & Longevity

ITCM 13: Becoming a Leader

What does it take to become a leader? Do you need to be born with leadership qualities? And can they be created? Laurence & his new co-host Marcus Pearce explore leadership in all areas of life, including family, business, health and social, and how the type of leadership has changed over the past 50 years.