TPS 18: Is Paleo Safe For My Kids?

We get asked this question A LOT! So we thought we might dedicate a whole episode to it. Is it safe? Are they going to miss out on vital nutrients? How do you get them eating like you eat? All shall be revealed in this weeks discussion topic.

TPS 17: Paul Jaminet – ‘Safe Starches’, Perfect Health and Circadian Rhythms.

Paul Jaminet Ph.D. joins us this week to talk about his take on healthy macro nutrient profiles, “The Perfect Health Diet” and how circadian rhythms affect our health.

TPS 16: Why Should We Give A Hoot About Inflammation?

Inflammation, it’s a word you’ve probably heard before.. but what does it really mean, and why would we be talking about it on That Paleo Show? Tune in to find out all ‘abowt’ it. *snicker*

TPS 15 : Abel James – The Fat Burning Man

Abel James, a.k.a. The Fat Burning Man has joined us today to share with us his story, and also impart some wisdom. A best selling author, coach, public speaker and podcast and radio show host, we are sure you will love listening to him as much as we did.

TPS 14: Well, What About Alcohol?

Alcohol: do you, don’t you… is it Paleo? Whilst it seems like a harmless social lubricant, and many people still think the suggestion of a glass of red wine a day improves your health, there are many other components to alcohol that you probably don’t want to know, but really should. This week we talk… Continue reading TPS 14: Well, What About Alcohol?

TPS 13: Gluten with Nora Gedgaudas

Our very first interview, and who better than the queen of paleo; Nora Gedgaudas author of “Primal Body Primal Mind- beyond the paleo diet for total health and a longer life”.  We absolutely LOVED this interview and we are sure you will too. Nora covered a lot of extra details about gluten sensitivity than just… Continue reading TPS 13: Gluten with Nora Gedgaudas

TPS 12: The Paleo Journey

This week marks the conclusion of our 12 part introduction to Paleo. We thought it was really important to cover the reality of changing from your old lifestly and habits, and forming new ones for better outcomes. Every one has their own story to tell, so tune in and learn from some of our mistakes,… Continue reading TPS 12: The Paleo Journey

TPS 11: Clean Out The Pantry

It’s time to get down to business. Now that you have an idea of what foods to include and what foods to avoid, you have probably discovered that you have a lot of the things in your house taking up space and causing temptation. Today we help give you some pointers on how to clean… Continue reading TPS 11: Clean Out The Pantry

TPS 10: Why Paleo Peeps Love The Sun

In this episode we discuss what is so good about sunlight and why you might want to actually get outside into it a bit more often than you would have thought.

TPS 9: Surely soy and other legumes are health foods?

To soy or not to soy – that is the question! Well it is today anyway… We tried not to rant too much with this one guys and gals, but be warned, its a bit hard to talk soy and not get a little excited. We also cover other common legumes and where the fit… Continue reading TPS 9: Surely soy and other legumes are health foods?