Suzy Ashworth is an Author, TEDx Speaker, Pregnancy Coach, Business Mentor, and Founder of The Calm Birth School the world’s first video based hypnobirthing school. Her mission is to inspire women to say yes to dreams in birth, life and business. To find out more about Suzy, please visit The Calmbirth School website at and sign up for her free hypnobirthing classes from anywhere in the world. And check out her contribution to the Rockstar Birth Magazine issue #6, the Bloom and Breathe issue where she shares her article ‘The Truth About Hypnobirthing’.
Today Suzy is talking about the increasing use of social media for childbirth education as pregnant women seek insights and answers through Facebook forums, birth photography shared via Instagram and Pinterest, birth videos shared via Snapchat and YouTube, and birth education shared via websites and apps. There is an online village forming and women are gathering to empower themselves and support others.