BQS 32: Stress Signals

Where’s there’s smoke there’s usually a fire, and in today’s episode Dr M dives deeper into the stages and signs of stress so that you can catch them early to make sure you’re the queen over your stress, not your stress the queen over you! Dr M share the 3 stages of stress, and touches… Continue reading BQS 32: Stress Signals

BQS 31: The Voice in Our Head… Help or Hinderance

This podcast is designed to help inspire change in how you see, manage and use your stress… so you can be the Queen of your Stress not your Stress being the Queen over you…. In this weeks episode Dr M dives a little deeper into the voice in our head and the language we use… Continue reading BQS 31: The Voice in Our Head… Help or Hinderance

BQS 29: Is social media your friend or foe?

In this weeks episode Dr M dives deeper into whether social media your friend or foe? Dr M shares her own experiences with social media, her love/hate relationship with it and how it can Increases stress particularly when we get caught up in the compare game. Dr M also talks about why she does love… Continue reading BQS 29: Is social media your friend or foe?

BQS 28: Responsibility, Reactions, Response with Special Guest Sky Steele

In this episode Dr M has a very special guest clinical psychologist Sky Steele. Dr M and Sky break down what impact giving away your responsibility has, how some people take too much responsibility and others give it away. Sky shares the impact it then has on Stress levels and her top tips on how… Continue reading BQS 28: Responsibility, Reactions, Response with Special Guest Sky Steele

BQS 26: BQS LIVE PLUGGED IN – Part 2 with Special Guest Dr Damian Kristof

In this episode Dr M and her special guest Dr Damian Kristof break down food into simple and easy to follow steps. Damian shares his tips on how to make food easy, explains the traps in getting extreme about our food and how keeping a happy balance and blend is key to longevity. To stay… Continue reading BQS 26: BQS LIVE PLUGGED IN – Part 2 with Special Guest Dr Damian Kristof

BQS 24: The I in the Energy Equation

In this weeks episode Dr M dives deeper into the “I” in the Energy Equation. Dr M developed the Energy Equation to help simply to key components to have great energy so you can reach your full potential faster. The I in the equation stands for Inspiration and Dr M breaks down the definition of… Continue reading BQS 24: The I in the Energy Equation

BQS 18: Who’s Responsibility is it???

In today’s episode Dr M to discusses judgement and responsibility…. wow…. nothing like starting our day STRONG!!! this topic might sound super serious, and in some ways it is… Dr M highlights why it’s important because we often create extra stress that we don’t need in our lives through shifting responsibility into someones elses hands… Continue reading BQS 18: Who’s Responsibility is it???

DOMS – Who is he???

In this episode Dr M shares about the good stress known as DOMS. There are good stressors for our body and exercise and movement is one of them, although Dr M hasn’t always enjoyed exercising, in fact in the past she admitting to even hating sweating… in this episode she shares how she has grown… Continue reading DOMS – Who is he???

The Energy Equation – part 1

In this episode, Dr M shares The first part of the energy equation The Equation is Great Energy (Nervous System Function) = Inspiration x Faboulous Food x Fitness, today’s episode is about Food and what role it plays in our life and how in our modern world lots of people seem to have got a… Continue reading The Energy Equation – part 1

Are You Behind The 8 Ball?

In this episode, Dr M shares How you can recognize your stress quickly through the 8 Ball Quiz. Recognizing your stress is the first step in managing and beginning to being the Queen of your Stress versus your stress being the Queen over you! Take the quiz and see where your stress is at right… Continue reading Are You Behind The 8 Ball?