RFR 263: Optimising Your Plant Based Lifestyle with Elly McLean (Part 2)

In episode 263 of The Real Food Reel we share with you part two of how to optimise your plant based lifestyle with Elly McLean. You will learn about digestion from the top down including leaky gut and the signs and symptoms to be aware of. Elly talks to the significance of bio-individuality when it… Continue reading RFR 263: Optimising Your Plant Based Lifestyle with Elly McLean (Part 2)

RFR 260: Optimising Your Plant Based Lifestyle with Elly McLean (Part 1)

In episode 260 of The Real Food Reel Elly McLean, nutritionist here at The Natural Nutritionist, shares with you how to optimise your plant based lifestyle. Hear more about Elly’s background, including her personal health journey from food intolerances, chronic candida, gastritis and parasite infection to where she is today. You will learn about the… Continue reading RFR 260: Optimising Your Plant Based Lifestyle with Elly McLean (Part 1)