TWG 240: The Happy Life with Lola Berry

This week The Wellness Guys welcome back the inspirational Lola Berry to the show for an epic conversation. Lola talks about the recent controversy  about the launch of her new on-line program (covered in episode 234), how she dealt with the criticism and how she bounced back to her happy life and the launch of her… Continue reading TWG 240: The Happy Life with Lola Berry

TWG 234: Has Lola gone too far

In the absence of paleo rockstar Brett Hill, LT and DK delve into the book title “Stop being a FAT B*tch” by Lola Berry and take a very interesting and possibly controversial stance on the book title and whether Lola has gone to far!

TWG 178: The 20:20 Diet with Lola Berry

This week The Wellness Guys interview TV star and all round health guru Lola Berry. Lola is a true inspiration in the way she gets her messages out to the public and into the mainstream and she isn’t afraid to put herself out there to get the message across. She has done everything from swallowing… Continue reading TWG 178: The 20:20 Diet with Lola Berry