HP 63: Born Great – How to go from lost to being on purpose with Emily Gowor

Do you ever feel lost, or gone off course? Or craving to get realigned with your purpose? In this episode, Emily Gowor shares her methods on how she helps entrepreneurs uncover their mission and reconnect to their soul with her four keys to getting ‘on purpose’. After overcoming depression at age 19, Emily devoted herself… Continue reading HP 63: Born Great – How to go from lost to being on purpose with Emily Gowor

TWB 1: Thriving Through Cancer with Mel Deller

Back at The Wellness Summit in 2015 The Wellness Couch team were given some information by an incredible chiropractor – Katelyn McGregor – that a young child and his family were under stress. Young Byron Deller had cancer and Katelyn asked if we would write a card to the family to share our best wishes.… Continue reading TWB 1: Thriving Through Cancer with Mel Deller

TWG 283: Chasing transformations and breakthroughs

The other day Brett was contacted by one of our listeners who was lamenting that they have listened to our show for years, they have attended The Wellness Summit and they are still struggling to breakthrough, to make the changes they wish to make. Why is that? What holds people back from making a change?… Continue reading TWG 283: Chasing transformations and breakthroughs