STNH 2: Jules Galloway (Wellbeing Weekly) – On adrenal fatigue, burnout, and self care

This week we’re lucky enough to have been gifted a bonus episode. A while back, I was interviewed by Michelle Kerr from Wellbeing Weekly, and it was so much fun! She has generously offered to let me share the episode on my own podcast feed. In this episode I share parts of my own health… Continue reading STNH 2: Jules Galloway (Wellbeing Weekly) – On adrenal fatigue, burnout, and self care

STNH 1: New year, new beginnings, and a name change!

It was time for a change. Shiny Healthy You has been a great title for my podcast over the last 2 years. It served me well. I loved how upbeat it was, it was packed with positive vibes… but it wasn’t quite “me” anymore. So I decided to have a little freshen up. A new… Continue reading STNH 1: New year, new beginnings, and a name change!