UC 338: Beautiful You with Dr Nat Kringoudis

Nat Kringoudis is a doctor of Chinese medicine, Acupuncturist, Author of Beautiful You, Speaker and all-round natural fertility expert. She is the founder of Melbourne women’s health clinic, The Pagoda Tree, creator of Yo’Nuts and producer of HealthTalks TV. Most people associate fertility with pregnancy with a bun in the oven, but being more ‘fertile’… Continue reading UC 338: Beautiful You with Dr Nat Kringoudis

GVP 6: Controlling Acne From The Inside Out With SkinB5 founder Judy Cheung-Wood

Today on the Go Vita Podcast we are talking acne. If you’re like me and grew up on a steady diet of white bread, white sugar, white pasta, junk food, processed chocolate, lollies and soft drinks, chances are you had acne. It was a major part of my teenage years and early twenties and for… Continue reading GVP 6: Controlling Acne From The Inside Out With SkinB5 founder Judy Cheung-Wood