Show Notes

‘A lot can change when you start following those signs and the patterns and the curiosities. And I think life is always giving us those things and it’s, ‘Are we paying attention? Are we connected to ourselves and our guidance system?’ so that we know to follow those nudges and be brave to do so.’ ~ Juliet Lever

‘Once you know this stuff, it becomes the lenses which you see the world through. And just like normal people we are going to experience challenges in life, we’re going to experience obstacles, especially when you’re growing, especially when you’re running a business, working with people, in a relationship… life throws you obstacles to help you grow.’ ~ Paul Eliseo

Have you always wanted tried and tested strategies to achieve instant success in your personal and professional life? Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a way of thinking about how the world works, and analysing how excellence is and can be achieved in every day life. In this week’s podcast Juliet Lever and Paul Eliseo explain what NLP has to offer and how you can use it to help you, whatever stage you are at in life, whatever your goals may be.

Juliet Lever of Relaunch My Life joined life partner Paul Eliseo of Evolve Mind & Body to establish the successful training company Evolve & Relaunch. They are leading global trainers in transformational mindset, coaching, hypnotherapy and NLP trainings.
Together their vision is to create a community of coaches who are successful, confident and who understand their client’s needs and how to truly get results. Through their world-class Evolved NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy and Master Practitioner courses delivered worldwide.
Above all, Paul and Juliet pride themselves on educating our community how to not only help others, but to ultimately transform their own lives as individuals.
At Evolve and Relaunch, they help small business owners, personal trainers, holistic health professionals to make lasting change and get better results personally and professionally.
Paul and Juliet’s gift to you inspiring HOPE – Help Other People Evolve Movement

To claim your complimentary 30 minute coaching session and get a signed copy of their book and a $250 course credit click below:

Their favourite quote is:
‘People will be who they need to be so you can see what you need to see.’

Links to follow:

It was after listening to a series of tapes by Tony Robbins that shifted my thinking.
All humans have this inner potential.
It inspires me to be the best I can be daily.
I have always been super curious and believe in having an attitude of curiosity.
One of the most powerful things you could learn is hypnotherapy and how your mind works.
Never get all of your truths from one place.
Life is always giving us signals and are we paying attention.
The way we ride the waves gets better and the size of the waves get smaller when you can see through the lense of the skills we teach.
You learn faster and do not stay as stuck for so long.
Our communication skills have really opened up and is a real gift.
We marry our unconscious mind and unresolved issues.
When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
The world is always reflecting back what you see.
Having your own business is one of the best personal development courses.
Always come back to your intention and why which helps you to ground and focus.
People perceive the world through their filters.
We are almost living in alternate parallel worlds.
We are all distorting, deleting and generalising our world in useful and un-useful ways.
How often do we stop and look at the software we are operating our world through.
The programs we all run are unconscious.
You cannot create the new you with the same program that created the you now.
This work gives you a deeper sense of self awareness.
It’s such a trip that no one experiences reality the way you do.
There is nothing better than seeing a human that is empowered and taking responsibility for their life and not allowing negative programs to hold them back.
You reawaken the magic inside of you.
Blindfolds are beliefs that stop you from seeing your potential.
We have unconscious strategies for everything we do in life.
You are more than your problems and challenges.
We believe in you more than you believe in your problems.
The more inner work you do the more your understanding in others you have.
When you shine your light the lightest you create a bigger shadow.
The ‘you’ you think you are only exists in your mind.
Always get curious and ask what is this here to teach me?
Keep following your nudges and intuition.
The more you work on yourself the more your world reflects that back.
Keep evolving and trust the journey.


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